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Quassim Cassam


Professor Quassim Casssam

I am a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick, UK, a Fellow of the British Academy, and an Honorary Fellow of Keble College, Oxford.


I am the author of 7 books, including Vices of the Mind: From the Intellectual to the Political (Oxford 2019) and Conspiracy Theories  (Polity 2019).


My main research interests are epistemology, the philosophy of extremism and terrorism, conspiracy theories, the self and self-knowledge, and the philosophy of general practice.


Before coming to Warwick, I was Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy at Cambridge, Professor of Philosophy at UCL, and Reader in Philosophy at Oxford.


Read more about me here:

I discuss my life and career in conversation with Johnny Lyons in an episode of Talking to Thinkers from August 2020.

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