Philosophy in practice
Self-Knowledge for Humans
This website accompanies Quassim's book Self-Knowledge for Humans.
If you have ever tried to read what philosophers say about self-knowledge you will know that it can be hard going. The mission of this website is to provide a guide to the subject for the philosophically curious. Questions about the nature, sources, and extent of self-knowledge aren’t just of academic interest. They also matter to us as human beings, and the human dimension of self-knowledge is the focus of this website. It is also the focus of my recent book Self-Knowledge for Humans, which tries to combine philosophical insights about self-knowledge with insights from other fields such as psychology and literature. Self-knowledge isn’t just for philosophers to discuss.
Professional Virtues in Modern Medicine
What are the qualities of a good doctor?
How do we know what these qualities are and what can we do to cultivate them?
This website is a toolkit for GPs and other health professionals which aims to not only to suggest possible answers to these questions but to provide doctors and other health professionals with the philosophical tools to think about these issues for themselves, to reflect on their own practice, and arrive at their own conclusions.
This site focuses on general practice, on what it takes to deliver excellent whole person care, however, all health professionals should find something useful here.